Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Pres. George W. Bush and the Middle East essays
Pres. George W. Bush and the Middle East essays This essy explores 3 Bush quotes about the Middle East to analyze, from a layperson's perspective: 1) what is he saying (or trying to say)? 2) are his administrations policies consistent with the statement? Quote @ "There's nothing more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that right." This statement seems to be the result of very shallow thinking: a more literate person would most likely have substituted "profound" for "deep" in the sense of "thoroughgoing; far-reaching: profound social changes; penetrating beyond what is superficial or obvious." Looking at the history of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I wonder why the Palestinians' right to their homeland is not also considered "deep"? There are even Israeli and Jewish American organizations that agree that if the Israeli government is serious about peace, they will withdraw settlers from Palestinian lands. In the same press conference that this quote came from, Bush all but affirms that the Israelis are friends, while the Palestinians are just, well, Palestinians... "But we're concerned about the Middle East, because it's affecting the lives of the Palestinians and our friends, the Israelis." Quote B: "There's a lot of people in the Middle East who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process. Andbut first things first. Thethese terrorist acts and, you know, the responses have got to end in order for us to get the frameworkthe groundworknot framework, the groundwork to discuss a framework for peace, to lay theall right." 1. There are Middle Eastern people who want to follow the Mitchell Plan. What's the Mitchell Plan? It's a plan developed by a group of Middle East experts, led by former U.S. Senator George Mitchell and including Warren Rudman and their colleagues Suleyman Demirel(Turkey), ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Spanish Abounds With Words for Love
Spanish Abounds With Words for Love I love you. I love strawberries. The score is love all. They made love. I would love to see you. Does love mean the same thing in all of the above sentences? Obviously not. So it shouldnt come as a surprise that there are many words in Spanish that can be translated as love. Use the verb amar or the noun amor to translate all the above sentences, and youll sound foolish at best. The idea that almost any word in one language can be translated into just one or two words in another language can lead to serious mistakes in vocabulary. Similarly, the fact that literally dozens of words can be used to translate even a simple word such as love is one thing that makes computerized translation so maddeningly undependable. Understanding context is one key to effective translation. Before you go further, see how many words you can come up with that can accurately translate love as a noun, verb, or part of a phrase. Then compare your list with the list below. ââ¬ËLoveââ¬â¢ as a Noun aficià ³n (enthusiasm): Tiene aficià ³n por las cosas de su tierra. (She has a love for the things of her land.)amado/a (sweetheart): Mi amada y yo estamos tan felices. (My love and I are so happy.)amante (sweetheart, lover): No quiero que seas mi amante. (I dont want you to be my love.)amistad (friendship)amor (pure love, romantic love): Y ahora permanecen la fe, la esperanza y el amor, estos tres; pero el mayor de ellos es el amor. (And now remain these three: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of them is love.)caridad (charity): Si yo hablase lenguas humanas y angà ©licas, y no tengo caridad â⬠¦ . (If I speak in tongues of humans and angels, and have not love â⬠¦ .)carià ±o/a (sweetheart):cero (score in tennis): Cero a cero. (Love all.)pasià ³n (passion, not necessarily romantic): Tiene una pasià ³n por vivir, una pasià ³n por saber. (He has a love of living, a love of knowledge.)querido (sweetheart)recuerdos (regards): Mndale recuerdos mà os. (Send him my lo ve.) ââ¬ËLoveââ¬â¢ as a Verb amar (to love, to love romantically): Te amo. (I love you.)encantar (indicating strong like): Me encanta escribir. (I love to write.)gustar mucho (indicating strong like): Me gusta mucho este sof. (I love this sofa.)querer (to love romantically, to want): Te quiero con todo el corazà ³n. (I love you with all my heart.) ââ¬ËLoveââ¬â¢ as an Adjective amatorio (pertaining to love): Me escribià ³ muchas carta amatorias. (He wrote me many love letters.)amorosa (pertaining to affection): Las aventuras amorosas pueden ser estimulantes y excitantes, pero tambià ©n pueden ser perjudiciales y dolorosas. (Love affairs can be stimulating and exciting, but they also can be harmful and painful.)romntico (pertaining to romance): El King compuso numerosas canciones romnticas a lo largo de sus 20 aà ±os de carrera. (The King wrote numerous love songs throughout his 20-year career.)sexual (pertaining to sexuality): Los juegos sexuales son una buena forma de mantener la pasià ³n. (Love games are one good way of maintaining passion.) Phrases Using ââ¬ËLoveââ¬â¢ amarà o (love affair)amor a primera vista (love at first sight)amor mà o (my love)carta de amor (love letter)enamorarse (to fall in love with): Me enamorà © de una bruja. I fell in love with a witch.estar enamorado (to be in love): Estoy enamorada de à ©l. (I am in love with him.)flechazo (love at first sight): Fue flechazo. (It was love at first sight.)hacer el amor (to make love)historia de amor (love story)lance de amor (love affair)me quiere, no me quiere (she loves me, she loves me not)mi amor (my love)no se llevan bien (there is no love lost between them)no se tienen ningà ºn aprecio (there is no love lost between them)periquito (love bird or parakeet)por el amor de (for the love of): Por el amor de una rosa, el jardinero es servidor de mil espinas. (For the love of a rose, the gardener is the servant of a thousand thorns.)por nada del mundo (not for love nor money)por pura aficià ³n (for the pure love of it, just for the love of it): Toca el piano por pura aficià ³n. (She plays the piano just for the love of it.) prenda de amor (love token): Hoy te doy este anillo como prenda de mi amor. (Today I give you this ring as a token of my love.)relaciones sexuales (love making)vida sexual (love life)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ronald Reagan's Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ronald Reagan's Presidency - Essay Example Finally, he came to his economic belief system through his own study of the free market (278). Reagan's transition from Democrat to Republic and his later adoption as a symbol of conservative republicanism will be discussed in this essay through a critical analysis of his economic policy and position on Social Security reform. President Reagan's economic policy was broadly set in a speech he gave as a candidate on 9 September 1980. In it, he outlined a program based on a rejection of Keynesian economics. He supported cuts in the marginal tax rate and reductions in business taxes. He argued for the elimination of wasteful government spending and for a balanced budget (Hogan 1990a, 218). So when the economic package was revealed to public, its central themes should have surprised no one: tax cuts, reductions in the rate of growth of government spending, deregulation and the slow, stable growth of the money supply (Hogan 1990a, 222; Busch 2005, 29). The tax cuts, which were important to Reagan (due to his personal experiences with taxation) specified a 10% rate reduction for three consecutive years, cuts in business taxes, the elimination of bracket creep (the process by which inflation pushes income earners into higher tax brackets even though their income has not increased enough in "real" dollars to warra nt such a raise), capital gains tax reductions, lower estate and gift taxes and the faster depreciation on business investments (Schaller 1992, 42). The Reagan tax cuts were favored by the public as most people would prefer to retain more of their income, and by many members who wanted to take some credit. It also presented the public with an image of induced economic growth that was painless in comparison to strict budget balancing and economic controls (Hogan 1990b, 147). Reagan's Fiscal Year (FY) 1982 budget projected federal spending at $659.5 billion with a deficit of $45 billion. It included non-defense reductions of around $41.4 billion and an additional $200 billion is cuts over the next three years. A balanced budget was forecast for 1984. Marginal tax rates would be cut from a range from 14% to 70% to one between 10% and 50%. Many social programs would be shifted to the states (Sloan 1999, 115-116; Schaller 1992, 42). His alterations were in the conservative tradition. Government's domestic spending would be cut coinciding with a cut in its major source of revenue. This would act as a constraint against further unchecked growth. A budget victory was also a necessary prerequisite for the upcoming tax cuts; since Reagan wanted lower taxes, he would first need to address the budget. The budget battle took place over two phases. The first phase involved a Democratic alternative to the Reagan plan that was similar to the president's but different in some major ways. It involved a single year tax cut and increases in spending reductions (Hogan 1990b, 147). Reagan was not willing to trade his three year tax cuts for increased spending cuts, so a short battle in the House resulted. The winner, the administration backed mandated spending reductions on over 200 domestic programs by over $136 billion between FY 1982-1984. The entire program was put into a single bill, which meant all reductions would be considered together and decided by one vote on the floor (148). Reagan's
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Expansion Of Hudsons Bay Case Study
International Expansion Of Hudsons Bay - Case Study Example Appreciating and respecting these differences in the markets can take a company a long way in its bid to take advantage of new business opportunities as well as the general expansion. For instance, a product design that comes forth as appealing to customers in the U.S. may not necessary charm customers in Africa owing to the differences in culture between the two markets. Failure to assess and understand the differences between markers can be disastrous. This was the case for Wal-Mart after it had to close down over 100 stores in Germany following grand losses brought about by the failure to understand the difference between the shopping habits in Germany and the U.S., its location. It is against this backdrop that it emerges as a matter of indispensability to analyze the decision of Hudsons Bay, based in Toronto, Canada, to acquire Galeria Kaufhof, based in Cologne, Germany, as a move to penetrate the Germany and Belgium market (Mahadevan, 2015). In this discussion, the factors that Bay ought to take into consideration in developing a future strategy for the newly acquired division will be delineated as well as a discourse of whether expanding to the Canadian and the U.S. markets is heady and the differences between the Canadian, German, and the Belgian markets. Hudsonââ¬â¢s Bay needs to consider a set of factors in developing future strategies for the novel division Kaufhof. To begin with, the cultural differences between Canada and Germany and Belgium are very critical. Bay relished a degree of success back home in Canada as well as the U.S. owing to the fact that these two nations share quite a great deal in terms of culture. However, the culture of Germany and Belgium varies widely with that of Canada and the U.S. Culture influences the buying behaviors of consumers and, therefore, Bay ought to respect the local culture of Germany and Belgium.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Motivational Theories and Factors Essay Example for Free
Motivational Theories and Factors Essay Stress and conflict in the workplace can cause major emotional and physical damage to the facility and workers. In the past, there have been reports of tragedies caused by disgruntled workers who may have clocked in with a gun in hand. We are going to look into ââ¬Ëthree motivational theories including the relationship of stress and conflict in relation to individual motivations. ââ¬â¢ Many factors can motivate employees while at work. Some of the motivating factors could include the structure of the lives of the employees before they became employed. Personality is a big factor in employee performance and motivation. Someone that is an introvert may not have the same mind set as an extrovert. This will definitely dictate how that employee behaves and responds to directives at work. Turmoil has happened in recent years in workplace settings. Let us take a closer look at a tragic workplace incident. Omar Thornton was a thirty-four year old black delivery driver in Manchester Connecticut. On August 4, 2010, he signed his resignation papers in front of witnesses after he saw video footage of him stealing beer from his company. Before leaving the room he reportedly pulled a gun and started randomly shooting workers he came across. In the end, he killed eight, leaving two wounded before he killed himself. Thorntonââ¬â¢s relatives and girlfriend said he had been harassed in a racial manner. This story is not the only one we have seen in the news. It proves that motivation can be a source of good behavior or negative. In Thorntonââ¬â¢s case he was motivated by what he thought to be racially aimed mistreatment from his white co workers. This caused him to become stressed and it reached a deadly point of conflict, a him against them scenario. In the real world, no employee should allow their job stress to motivate them to take lives or destroy property. Stress can lead to serious consequences, whether it becomes a health issue or affects performance in a negative way. If employees are in constant conflict over management issues, pay working conditions or other concerns, this can lead to low moral among the employee congregation. It wonââ¬â¢t matter if all employees are involved in the struggle, dissatisfaction can spread like sand into each individualââ¬â¢s boundaries. It will be the main topic around the water cooler each day. The job for management is to keep employees motivated in the right direction for the good of the company and its productivity. Management can help decrease the incidents of job dissatisfaction by following these steps. Positive reinforcement should always follow an employees job well done. When problems or disagreements arise the discipline should fit the crime. All persons who live up to their expected performance should be treated in a fair respectful manner. Goals should always be well pronounced so that no employee will say they didnââ¬â¢t know what was expected of them. Some jobs may need to be restructured to generate better productivity. All employees who perform in an acceptable capacity should be rewarded fro their compliance. Increased pay or a truck load of benefits may not always be at the top of the list when it comes to employee motivation. People want to feel needed and appreciated on the job. They want to know that their work is worth something. So, to decrease the incidents of stress, unfairness which can lead to conflict and disgruntled or dissatisfied employees, companies need to place value on employees who are doing what they are asked. When conflicts arise, there should be a procedure in place to allow every voice to be heard. When I am involved in stressful work situations, I bring it to the attention of my department manager. I do not attack an individual, I attack the cause of the problem. I follow the companyââ¬â¢s guidelines for resolution, it has always worked for me. Since I started this class, I have learned that positive external motivation can also decrease or prevent stress in the workplace. So there should be a plan already in place to head off negative incidents.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sixth Amendment :: essays research papers
The sixth amendment is that in all ââ¬Å"criminal prosecutions, the accused have the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime that have been committed, which district would have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation: to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.â⬠The sixth amendment also covers the guarantee of ââ¬Å"adequate notice.â⬠This means that the sixth amendment, ââ¬Å"which is applicable to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees a criminal defendant a fundamental right to be clearly informed of the nature and cause of the charges against him. In order to determine whether a defendant has received constitutionally adequate notice, the court looks first to the information. The principal purpose of the information is to provide the defendant with a description of the charges against him in sufficient detail to enable him to prepare his defense.â⬠The accused also has ââ¬Å"a fundamental right to be clearly informed of the nature and cause of the charges in order to permit adequate preparation of a defense. Due process entitles an accused to know the charges against which he must defend in order to have a reasonable opportunity to prrepare and present a defense and not be taken by surprise at trial.â⬠The Sixth Amendment, is also ââ¬Å"applicable to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and guarantees a criminal defendant a fundamental right to be clearly informed of the nature and cause of the charges against him.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Personal Response William Butler Yeats Essay
ââ¬Å"William Butler Yeats deals with an interesting variety of subjects and his poetry is full of powerful images and impressive descriptions. Discuss.â⬠Submitted by Hollie McLaughlin. I very much enjoy reading the poetry of William Butler Yeats. What I like about the poetry is the multi-faceted man who emerges. In Inisfree he is the searching, restless 25 year old, looking to nature as a kind of redemptive force. In ââ¬ËSeptember 1913ââ¬â¢ he is the ardent political critic of the soul-destroying materialism. In ââ¬ËEaster 1916ââ¬â¢ he is again many-sided, the man who commemorates the great heroes and is able to confess he was wrong about their existence, as well as the man painfully aware of warââ¬â¢s wastage of youthful potential. My favourite, ââ¬ËThe Wild Swans at Cooleââ¬â¢, is Yeats as the disillusioned man whose ââ¬Å"heart is soreâ⬠, the man of ââ¬Å"unrequited loveâ⬠, the man aware of mortality. In ââ¬ËSailing to Byzantiumââ¬â¢, Yeats symbolises universal man in search of meaning and permanence amid the transience of life. Who couldnââ¬â¢t be intrigued by this man! In ââ¬ËThe Lake Isle of Inisfreeââ¬â¢, Yeats echoes for me, the longing we all experience at times to escape the urban jungle, the ââ¬Å"pavements greyâ⬠. This grim image of oppression is something many people have to face worldwide. A frequent reoccurrence in the poetry of William Butler Yeats is his idea of an idyllic utopia. I quite liked the discrepancy between his two blissful paradises. In ââ¬ËThe Lake Isle of Inisfreeââ¬â¢ he speaks of the bucolic lifestyle found in Ireland. This poem represents Yeatsââ¬â¢ Irish heritage. ââ¬Å"I hear it in the deep heartââ¬â¢s coreâ⬠. The second poem in which Yeats depicts a great fondness of a particular place is ââ¬ËSailing to Byzantiumââ¬â¢. It is said that Yeats has always had a profound interest in the Greek civilisation of Byzantium. There is a great contrast presented between these two ideal worlds of his, these being a sort of mythical place in comparison to a mere county Sligo. In my opinion, I believe that Yeats is a master of rhyme. When reading his poems, they tend to flow very easily off your tongue. I find this can make a person who doesnââ¬â¢t particularly like reading poetry, feel it to be quite simple and enjoyable to read. His poems never seem forced, they donââ¬â¢t sound artificial or contrived. It is as if he didnââ¬â¢t even plan out his poetry andà what he was going to write, he just grabbed a pen and allowed the poem to write itself with ease. The poem which I think is the best example for Yeatsââ¬â¢ rhythmic quality of writing is ââ¬ËThe Lake Isle of Inisfreeââ¬â¢. Here, I find the rhythm to be almost hypnotic, with the use of long vowel sounds and long slow lines throughout. This hypnotic rhythm carries you away to a dream world, an idyllic utopia. I also find that the last two lines in Yeatsââ¬â¢ poem ââ¬ËSeptember 1913ââ¬â¢ captures his sense of hopelessness and disillusionment with the Ireland of 1913. ââ¬Å"But let them be, theyââ¬â¢re dead and gone, theyââ¬â¢re with Oââ¬â¢Leary in the graveâ⬠. I very much enjoyed Yeatsââ¬â¢ use of repetition throughout his poetry. From sentence to sentence he often repeats words. Some examples of this may be found when reading the poem ââ¬ËThe Lake Isle of Inisfreeââ¬â¢. ââ¬Å"I will arise and go now and goâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"And I shall have some peace there for peace comes dropping slowâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Was it for this the wild geese spread, for this that all the blood was shed.â⬠Yeats is often famed for adhering to his use of a strong complex personal mythology which he illustrates throughout his poems by the means of symbolism. Symbols appear in a number of Yeatsââ¬â¢ poems and this is a thing that I quite like about his poetry, there are deeper meanings behind the words you read. The complexities of these symbols vary between poems but for the most part they are used to portray or add to the portrayal of the transience of time. Firstly a very simple symbolic message can be observed in the poem ââ¬Å"The Wild Swans at Cooleâ⬠. As Yeats ponders the transience of time and recounts how it has passed him, he exemplifies the messages through the elegant, youthful swans. I believe this is the one exception to the above statement as the metaphor of the swans is very clear cut. ââ¬Å"And scatter wheeling in great broken ring.â⬠ââ¬Å"Upon their clamorous wings.â⬠The swans seem to show little exertion in what they are doing, which Yeats uses to amplify his lack of physical strength and ability as he is but an ageing man. The theme of time and the use of symbols can be seen at numerous points throughout the poem ââ¬ËSailing to Byzantiumââ¬â¢. Although admittedly this poem is, to a great extent, more complex than ââ¬ËThe Wild Swans at Cooleââ¬â¢. I feel no shame in admitting that this poem is a lot more difficult to fully comprehend and it took more time to understand the symbols and the meaning of the poem in its entirety. In the title, I think that the use of the wordà ââ¬Ësailingââ¬â¢ doesnââ¬â¢t mean to be sailing literally, but instead he uses it the mode of transport that is sailing as a metaphor of the journey of ageing. This poem represents Yeatsââ¬â¢ journey through life, as he is approaching old age. ââ¬Å"An aged man is but a paltry thing, / A tattered coat upon a stick.â⬠Yeats becomes yet again captivated by the idea of aging and symbols present themselves once more in ââ¬ËSailing to Byzantiumââ¬â¢ as he looks to solidify himself for eternity. Two symbols are directly related to his obsession with the transience of time and ideas of immortality. First of all there is the ââ¬Å"perne in a gyreâ⬠, which, because of its circular nature, will never stop spinning. Circles are also often associated with continuity of life. The second symbol is not mentioned by name, but instead inferred while discussing the products of ââ¬Å"Grecian goldsmithsâ⬠. These goldsmiths produced some of the greatest ornaments of all time, which even today are still preserved. Yeats did not want to ever become reincarnated into the body of another living thing, but to remain beautiful and eternal in an object such as a piece of artwork. The symbols Yeats uses are personally my favourite aspects of his poetry as they force you to think deeper into the meaning of what he is actually trying to say or depict. And finally one great thing about the poetry of William Butler Yeats is his use of ordinary, everyday language. I feel that his use of quite simple and non-complex words results in there being a wider range of people reading his poetry. He takes ordinary language and arranges it in a way that gives them an almost poetic rhythm. An example may be seen in the line ââ¬Å"the trees are in their autumn beauty, the woodland paths are dry.â⬠In the poem ââ¬ËThe Wild Swans at Cooleââ¬â¢. In conclusion, I feel that Yeats does deal with a wide range of different topics, with the use of powerful imagery and impressive descriptions. Yeatsââ¬â¢ unique pessimism resonates through the well-crafted lines of his work which effectively portray his sometimes equivocal views. The poetry of William Butler Yeats intrigues me greatly, particularly because of his use of symbols throughout and I very much enjoy ruminating on the meanings within.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Importance of Computer Essay
Computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. It is made up of two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard, mouse, monitor etc comes under the hardware whereas all the programs and languages used by the computer are called software. These days computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are being used by millions of people around the world. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Be it the desktop computers or laptop computers, both have various advantages in our daily life. The landscape of global communication has changed since computers have been introduced in our society. Importance of computers can be attributed to the fact that almost every sphere of our life is affected by computers. Information technology (IT) is a whole new industry that has developed after the introduction of computers. Presenting before you is an article with an abridged summary of importance in computers in various fields. Importance of Using Computer Among several advantages of computers, access to the Internet is hailed to be an advantage that has shaped the way we communicate. Importance of information technology has been such that besides creating millions of IT jobs, it has become an integral part of every other industry. Features and operations of IT are indirectly required in every other sector. Role of Computers in Education Right from elementary school students to PhD researchers, every educational system has been influenced by computers. Some of the uses of computers in education are as follows: â⬠¢Students can be better prepared for the future technologies and itââ¬â¢s easier to explain them several topics that are hard to be understood without 3-D images. â⬠¢Online education has made learning easier and convenient for a large section of population. â⬠¢Easy access to encyclopedia on the Internet certainly makes us ponder over textbooks versus computer teaching. Online encyclopedia have made researching and preparing documents simpler. â⬠¢Students aware of computer uses have better chances of job opportunities as computers literacy is a need now. Importance ofà computer education was never so important as it is in the present scenario. â⬠¢Using computer aided facilities like PowerPoint presentation eases understanding of complex topics. BANKS Almost every bank is using computers to keep the record of all the money transaction and other calculations. Moreover it provides speed, convenience and security. COMMUNICATION Communication is another important aspect of computer and has become very easy through internet and email. Computer communicates using telephone lines and modems. Through email we can send messages to anybody in any part of the world in just a second while if we write letter then it will reach in some days. So the internet has made the earth a global village and above all saves time. This would not be possible without computers. Internet helps to find information on every topic. It is the easiest and fastest way of research. Computer network makes the user capable of accessing remote programs and databases of same or different organizations. MEDIA Almost every type of editing and audio- visual compositions can be made by using special software especially made for this purpose. Some software can even make three dimensional figures which are mostly used in the cartoon films. Special effects for action and science fiction movies are also created on computer. TRAVEL AND TICKETING Computers do all the work of plane and train reservation. It shows the data for vacant and reserved seats and also saves the record for reservation. WEATHER PREDICTIONS Weather predictions are also possible by the experts using supercomputers. SPORTS It is also used for umpiring decisions. Many times the umpire has to go for the decision of third umpire in which the recording is seen again on the computer and finally reaches to the accurate and fair decision. Simulation software allows the sportsman to practice and improve his skills. DAILY LIFE We operate washing machines, microwave oven and many other products using software. Moreover we can store all the information about our importantà work, appointments schedules and list of contacts. Crucial Role of Computers in Medicine The health care field has gone through a revolution after computers have been introduced in our society. Uses of computer in the medical field has been immense. Computers have been integrated with almost all medical technologies to improve accuracy in results. â⬠¢Big hospitals require computer systems to maintain database of patient records. This has lessened the burden of paper management. â⬠¢Some uses of computers in hospitals include maintaining staff attendance records, medical records recording of incoming and outgoing timings of staff, computerized accounting and managing records of patient and associated doctors. â⬠¢The use of computers in medicine has gained more significance as heartbeat rate, pulse rates all can be checked on special graphs on monitor screen. â⬠¢Internet technology has made it easier to exchange information, news and reports about latest medical development all across the globe. â⬠¢Medical imaging has grown to become an extremely important aspect of medical diagnosis. By using techniques to create body images of even the most complex structures in the body, scientists have made it easier to treat ailments. â⬠¢Web conferencing has made it easier for expert doctors sitting in some distant country to guide and instruct junior surgeons. More so, even while operation, many senior doctors can guide junior doctors. These are some of the amazing uses of computers in hospital set ups. â⬠¢All surgical procedures are recorded in small cameras (some even installed in the medical equipment) so that the process of surgery can be learned better and improved. â⬠¢Nowadays, even computer counseling is possible owing to extensive use of computers. Benefits of Computers in Business The use of computers in business has grown by leaps and bound since the last few decades. Here are some of the benefits of computers in business field. â⬠¢Using Internet technologies, computer networking and several types of software, businesses are able to communicate all across the globe crossing geographical boundaries. â⬠¢Communication has taken a new role among partners, suppliers, consumers and theyââ¬â¢re able to keep a track of each other that facilitates the business process. â⬠¢Development of software likeà Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions and Management Information Systems (MIS) have made it possible to centralize administrative features of a firm. â⬠¢Project management and other planning activities are easily designed by integrating latest software with computers. This decreases time on planning and figuring out certain complex issues. â⬠¢Seminars, conferences and meetings can be scheduled with bosses and big corporate giants through web conferencing that can be heard by all the employees simultaneously. While the debate on advantages and disadvantages of Internet or computers will always exist, itââ¬â¢s certainly a truth that computers have made our life totally different, progressive and better. So we can say that today computer is playing very important role in our lives. Now is the time when we cannot imagine the world without computers. And this technology is advancing both in industry and home. It has become necessary for everyone to have the basic knowledge about computer. Otherwise he cannot get a job as computers have invaded almost all the fields.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Measuring Earthquake Magnitudes
Measuring Earthquake Magnitudes These days, an earthquake happens and right away it is on the news, including its magnitude. Instant earthquake magnitudes seem as routine an achievement as reporting the temperature, but theyre the fruit of generations of scientific work. Why Earthquakes Are Hard to Measure Earthquakes are very hard to measure on a standard scale of size. The problem is like finding one number for the quality of a baseball pitcher. You can start with the pitchers win-loss record, but there are more things to consider: earned-run average, strikeouts and walks, career longevity and so on. Baseball statisticians tinker with indexes that weigh these factors (for more, visit the About Baseball Guide). Earthquakes are easily as complicated as pitchers. They are fast or slow. Some are gentle, others are violent. Theyre even right-handed or left-handed. They are oriented different ways- horizontal, vertical, or in between (see Faults in a Nutshell). They occur in different geologic settings, deep within continents or out in the ocean. Yet somehow we want a single meaningful number for ranking the worlds earthquakes. The goal has always been to figure out the total amount of energy a quake releases, because that tells us profound things about the dynamics of the Earths interior. Richters First Scale The pioneering seismologist Charles Richter started in the 1930s by simplifying everything he could think of. He chose one standard instrument, a Wood-Anderson seismograph, used only nearby earthquakes in Southern California, and took only one piece of data- the distance A in millimeters that the seismograph needle moved. He worked up a simple adjustment factor B to allow for near versus distant quakes, and that was the first Richter scale of local magnitude ML: ML log A B A graphical version of his scale is reproduced on the Caltech archives site. Youll notice that ML really measures the size of earthquake waves, not an earthquakes total energy, but it was a start. This scale worked fairly well as far as it went, which was for small and moderate earthquakes in Southern California. Over the next 20 years Richter and many other workers extended the scale to newer seismometers, different regions, and different kinds of seismic waves. Later Richter Scales Soon enough Richters original scale was abandoned, but the public and the press still use the phrase Richter magnitude. Seismologists used to mind, but not any more. Today seismic events may be measured based on body waves or surface waves (these are explained in Earthquakes in a Nutshell). The formulas differ but they yield the same numbers for moderate earthquakes. Body-wave magnitude is mb log(A/T) Q(D,h) where A is the ground motion (in microns), T is the waves period (in seconds), and Q(D,h) is a correction factor that depends on distance to the quakes epicenter D (in degrees) and focal depth h (in kilometers). Surface-wave magnitude is Ms log(A/T) 1.66 logD 3.30 mb uses relatively short seismic waves with a 1-second period, so to it every quake source that is larger than a few wavelengths looks the same. That corresponds to a magnitude of about 6.5. Ms uses 20-second waves and can handle larger sources, but it too saturates around magnitude 8. Thats OK for most purposes because magnitude-8 or great events happen only about once a year on average for the whole planet. But within their limits, these two scales are a reliable gauge of the actual energy that earthquakes release. The biggest earthquake whose magnitude we know was in 1960, in the Pacific right off central Chile on May 22. Back then, it was said to be magnitude 8.5, but today we say it was 9.5. What happened in the meantime was that Tom Hanks and Hiroo Kanamori came up with a better magnitude scale in 1979. This moment magnitude, Mw, is not based on seismometer readings at all but on the total energy released in a quake, the seismic moment Mo (in dyne-centimeters): Mw 2/3 log(Mo) - 10.7 This scale therefore does not saturate. Moment magnitude can match anything the Earth can throw at us. The formula for Mw is such that below magnitude 8 it matches Ms and below magnitude 6 it matches mb, which is close enough to Richters old ML. So keep calling it the Richter scale if you like- its the scale Richter would have made if he could. The U.S. Geological Surveys Henry Spall interviewed Charles Richter in 1980 about his scale. It makesà lively reading. PS: Earthquakes on Earth simply cant get bigger than around Mw 9.5. A piece of rock can store up only so much strain energy before it ruptures, so the size of a quake depends strictly on how much rock- how many kilometers of fault length- can rupture at once. The Chile Trench, where the 1960 quake occurred, is the longest straight fault in the world. The only way to get more energy is with giant landslides or asteroid impacts.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Ideas to Make the Most Out of Thanksgiving Break
10 Ideas to Make the Most Out of Thanksgiving Break Itââ¬â¢s that Thanksgiving Break time of year and youââ¬â¢re looking to make the most of it. You want a good spread of ideas to choose from, so here are the most popular choices among college students these days. 1. Travel to a Small Town Right, so this is probably one of the coolest ideas ever. You get a group of friends together, pool your money and travel to a small town that really takes the Thanksgiving break seriously. Weââ¬â¢re talking snow, parades, with decorations everywhere. It can be costly for cabins and hotels, but if you know someone on campus from one of those small towns and it doesnt turn into a tourist trap, then hop on that! Some small towns out there really do things right. Everyone gets involved. The whole town makes a thing of it. 2. Round up the Family Thanksgiving Break is a time to head home and be with the family. These days it can be hard, and lots of families get spread out when the kids get into college. Plus, back home with family and familiar faces you can recharge. 3. Stay on-Campus and Sleep No one says you have to leave or get involved in any of the festivities. You can choose to just sleep all through the break and really recharge your batteries for winter quarter. Besides, the college always has something going on for the students that stick around. 4. Prepare for the Dreaded Black Friday Itââ¬â¢s the modern consumer world and one way or another weââ¬â¢re all affected by the biggest shopping day of the year. Whether you take part, work in the retail/service industries, or you just like to wear sweats and watch the mayhem on Live Streamsâ⬠¦prepare. 5. Eat Tons of Delicious Food Thanksgiving is about the food when you get right down to it. And, itââ¬â¢s everywhere if you know where to look. Eat it up! Live it up! Dig in! Sure, you might gain a pound or two, but whatever. You can always burn that off before the spring and summer anyway. Dive into the pies and hometown delicacies. Honestly, you really only do live once and Thanksgiving only comes around once a year. 6. Get Ahead on Your Studies You know what tests and classes are coming down the pike. You could invest the time in extra study or brushing up on topics that youââ¬â¢ll soon be tested on. Nothing wrong with that, but do keep in mind this is a holiday. 7. Go Check out a Nutcracker Show Have you ever been to a real Nutcracker show? These things are amazing! Tchaikovsky is a master. For the better ones expect to pay a decent price, but itââ¬â¢s easily worth it. Thereââ¬â¢s the ballet version and other kinds of musicals but the point is to go see a holiday show. And, itââ¬â¢s a great date idea as well. 8. Take Part in Sports Fanaticism In America, Thanksgiving Day is a mega day for football lovers. In some circles football can easily overshadow any hint of Thanksgiving. If youââ¬â¢re not really into sports or football has never been your thing, get into it for once! Get into the weird commercials, all the yummy football foods and jump up and down during big plays. Itââ¬â¢s fun. Hereââ¬â¢s the lineup according to the National Football League for 2013 Thursday, November 28th (Thanksgiving Day) Packers vs. Lions ââ¬â 12:30 PM (ET) Raiders vs. Cowboys 4:30 PM (ET) Steelers vs. Ravens 8:30 PM (ET) 9. Watch Awesome Thanksgiving Day Movies Itââ¬â¢s that time of year to watch the movies that bring us back and spread some light and easy holiday cheer. There are so many to choose from. After about twenty minutes of searching around Google for the most popular favorites, here on the ones that make it onto most Thanksgiving Day movies lists. Planes, Trains and Automobiles Dutch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Itââ¬â¢s a Wonderful Life Grumpy Old Men Home for the Holidays Miracle on 34th Street Pocahontas Son in Law Garfieldââ¬â¢s Thanksgiving 10. Take it Back to Grade School Thanksgiving is a wonderful time, along with Christmas and New Yearââ¬â¢s, to get crafty. Go back to grade school. Itââ¬â¢s time to cut out and color some paper turkeys. Itââ¬â¢s time to make Christmas decorations out of popcorn. Itââ¬â¢s time to make some caramel apples. Before you know it Thanksgiving Break is over and itââ¬â¢s back to the books. Might as well make the best of it, right? Hey, make sure to listen to some old classical holiday music. Have a good time and live it up. If you can, do the small town thing though because that will make for some lifelong Thanksgiving memories. Do you have any plans for the Thanksgiving break? Share your ideas in comments!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
PNC Financial Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PNC Financial Service - Essay Example Value creation for creating a system that would ensure the level of productivity and integrity ultimately needed, so that the customer base would be able to see their own bottom line continue to grow and prosper. With many banks, large and small, finding it harder to survive in the current economic state, PNC Bank would seek to stay within the realm of effective and responsible banking practices. According to an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, while reiterated the current state of affairs within the banking community, in regard to PNC itself, "Still, the region's biggest bank will remain disciplined and resist making "stupid," risky loans, Mr. Rohr Said during a Barclays Capitol investor conference in New York City," (Sabatini, 2010). With the statement in itself that would work toward the concern of meeting investors expectations of being able to trust the solvency of the institutions that they seek to do business with. Going on further to state that, "Mr.
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